Previously, when there are cases that purchase request are awarded on Tenderboard had to be cancelled due to various reason such as supplier does not have stock, etc. There will be no chance for you to cancel the purchase request. However, now there is a way which you cancel awarded purchase request through the "Void Award" functionality

Only Buyer Admins can use the "Void Award" Functionality -you will need to request for your Buyer Admin's assistance to void the awarded purchase request.

If a Purchase Order has been issued, you will need to separately close the Purchase Order from the Purchase Order, Goods Receipt & Invoice as well. Please refer to this guide to do so: How can I Close a Purchase Order that I no longer wish to receive?

Steps to Void Award

1) On "My Buylist" page, search for the purchase request number and check if status is shown as awarded. Click on the "⋮" icon next.

2)Select "Void Award" from the dropdown options

3) There will be pop-up dialogue box which will appear. There are comments needed to be entered (Mandatory field) in order to proceed to be able to click on the "OK" button to proceed.

4) The status will be updated to "Void". 

Related articles

1. How can I Close a Purchase Order that I no longer wish to receive?

2. How can I cancel a Purchase Request

3. How can I cancel a deal that is pending evaluation?