If you are not receiving your Daily Alerts, below are some possible reasons and solutions to troubleshooting the issue.
1. There were no newly released deals that matched your keywords that day or *the day before
*Note: Aggregated opportunities will be consolidated and sent to you the next morning.
To confirm this, you may view your Tenders Watchlist in your account. All relevant opportunities sent in your Daily Alert are also populated in your Tenders Watchlist. To access your watchlist:
a. Through your TenderBoard Account, click on Tools & Reports > Tenders Watchlist. Or you may also view your Tenders Watchlist here - https://www.tenderboard.biz/MyWatchlist
Deals in your watchlist are arranged in chronological order. If you see relevant opportunities for you on the day you did not receive notifications, this means an email alert would have been sent.
2. Your Daily Alerts were sent to your spam or junk folder
Sometimes Daily Alerts may be marked as spam, which will then send the emails into your spam or junk folder. If they are in these folders, kindly mark these emails as "Not Spam" so they will be sent to your inbox.
3. Your email server has blocked the Daily Alert
If your Tenders Watchlist show that there were relevant opportunities for you, but your Daily Alert is not in your spam or junk folder, this may most likely mean your email server has blocked our emails.
To reduce the possibility of this happening, you may wish to request for your IT team to whitelist our domain - tenderboard.biz.
If the above does not help to solve your issue, you may also contact our Customer Support team at [email protected]