To ensure that you do not miss out on important information regarding deals, TenderBoard will send you notifications on updates for  TenderBoard-listed deals on your Watchlist. This includes information on clarifications, amendments and cancellations. If you decide that you do not wish to receive the notifications, you may remove these deals from your Watchlist. You may do this by following the steps below:

1. First, access your My Watchlist page by clicking on Tools and Reports in the top ribbon, then selecting Tenders Watchlist.

2. On your My Watchlist page, you will see a list of deals that you are currently receiving notifications for.

3. Click on the  -  icon to remove a deal from your Watchlist. The  -   will turn into  +  icon, indicating that the deal has successfully been removed from your Watchlist. If you change your mind or have clicked wrongly, you may click the  +  icon to keep the deal on your Watchlist. Once you refresh the page, the deal is removed from your Watchlist.