When a deal is awarded to you on TenderBoard, you may follow the steps below to submit your invoice early through your TenderBoard account.

1. On the "Dashboard" page, select "Go To Invoices"

2. In your Invoices Page, select "Submit Invoice" to proceed

3. Search for the buyer's information

A pop up box will appear, where you may either select from a drop down list under "Awarded PO No", or search for the buyer organisation under "Company Name".

Once one of the option is selected, click on "Create" to proceed.

6. If you selected from "Awarded PO"

Enter your "Invoice No.", "Issue Date" and Payment Terms".

Most other information should be filled in as the invoice will be tagged to the PO. You will need to cross reference all lines to ensure they are aligned with your invoice.

7. If you are creating the invoice from "Company Name"

You will need to fill in all information, from your invoice number to line items and unit prices.

Please ensure that the Buyer Reference no. is included so the buyer will be able to match the PO to your invoice easily.

8. Ensure the correct contact information is included

9. Upload Your Invoice

Upload your invoice under "Invoice Attachment", and if there are other relevant documents you wish to include, you may upload these under "Other Attachment".

You may also include any additional information in the notes field for the buyer to see.

10. Preview Your Submission

Once uploaded, you may to proceed to select "Preview Invoice".

11. Submit Invoice

Once you have vet and confirm all information, select "Confirm" to submit your invoice.

12. View Your Invoice

Upon a successful invoice submission, the invoice will appear in your Invoices Page.