Once you've been awarded a Purchase Order on TenderBoard, the system will allow you to submit an invoice to the Buyer via the system. There are two ways that this can be done:

Firstly, if the buyer sends you an invoice request after doing a Goods Receipt, you will receive an e-mail link through which you can submit the invoice. You may find out more here: How do I submit / upload my Invoice for an awarded deal?

If the buyer has not done the Goods Receipt, but you have completed the work, and wish to submit the invoice, this article will guide you on how to do so.

1. Login to your account. From 'My Dashboard', click on 'Go to Invoices' to go to the Invoices page. You may also go to the 'Sales' menu and select 'Invoices'.

2. On the Invoices page, click on the 'Submit Invoice' button.

3. Select the Purchase Order you wish to submit for, then click on 'Create'. Note that the Awarded PO No. field is an auto-complete field, and entering in your reference number will narrow down the list of possible Purchase Orders.

4. Complete the Invoice Form on the next page. Be sure to attach a PDF copy of the invoice under 'Invoice Attachment' (This is usually required for Tax purposes). Once this is completed, select "Preview Invoice", then "Submit Invoice" to send the invoice to the buyer.