On TenderBoard, we do not only alert our users on deals from buyers on the platform. We also help to aggregate Open

Tenders from over 40 tender sites and send alerts on relevant opportunities that match the keywords in your account. Tender sites we track include GeBIZ, Ariba, Singapore Power, NKF, SUTD and SOTA.

You may review a list of sites we track here.

To ensure you do not miss out on relevant opportunities from sites we aggregate, optimise your keywords list with our keyword rules here. Upon updating your keywords, tender opportunities that match your new keyword list will be sent to the registered email address in your account in the daily alerts.

Difference between Exclusive Deals VS Aggregated Open Tenders

1. Exclusive Deals

Opportunities with the yellow “Exclusive” banner indicates that these deals are released from buyers on TenderBoard. For these exclusive deals, you may submit your proposal directly through the platform. 

You may also refer to our blog article for a more detailed guide on submitting your proposal here.

2. Aggregated Open Tenders

Aggregated Open tenders do not have the yellow “Exclusive” banner. For these open tenders, click on the “link to original site” on the top right of your browser, which will redirect you to the original web page where the deals are being published. There, you will be able to download tender documents and submit your proposal.

If you face any issues while trying to submit your bid, or need any assistance, reach out to our Customer Success team at [email protected] or 67158931.