If you wish to submit an invoice to a Buyer, but there was no Purchase Order issued, this article will guide you on how to do so.

If you were awarded a Purchase Order for this invoice, you should not follow this guide, but you may refer to this instead How do I submit an invoice for a Purchase Order on TenderBoard?

1. Login to your account. From 'My Dashboard', click on 'Go to Invoices' to go to the Invoices page. You may also go to the 'Sales' menu and select 'Invoices'.

2. On the Invoices page, click on the 'Submit Invoice' button.

3. Under 'Company Name', select the TenderBoard Buyer company you wish to submit for, then click on 'Create'. If the company that you wish to submit an invoice to is not in the list, you will first need to add them as a customer (refer to this guide - How can I add a Buyer to my Customer list

4. Complete the Invoice Form on the next page. Be sure to attach a PDF copy of the invoice under 'Invoice Attachment' (This is usually required for Tax purposes). Once this is completed, select "Preview Invoice", then "Submit Invoice" to send the invoice to the buyer.

5. You will receive a message saying the invoice was successfully submitted. It will also show on your Invoices list with a Pending status

Related articles:

1. How do I submit an invoice for a Purchase Order on TenderBoard?

2. How can I add a Buyer to my Customer list