The Clone function can be used on TenderBoard to duplicate an existing Purchase Request (PR) form with all the information copied over to a new PR you would like to raise.


To clone a PR, you may first login into your TenderBoard account, Click on ‘Deals’, then go to your ‘My Buylist’ page.




Search for the deal you would like to copy. Then, click on the “⋮” button next to the deal.



Click on “Clone”



Once you click on Clone, a new PR form will be created with a new reference number, but filled up with the information from your original PR form. You may choose to update the information as needed and proceed to submit.

The Clone function can also be used for Direct Invoices as well. To Clone a Direct Invoice, go to "My Purchase Order, Goods Receipt and Invoice", then go to the Invoice tab. Search for the invoice you would like to copy. Then, click on the “⋮” button next to the invoice.