The TenderBoard 'Call for Invoice' function allows buyers to request that suppliers submit the invoice directly via the TenderBoard platform. Occasionally, the contact for a supplier might change before a Purchase Order is fully received, or a buyer might have input the wrong contact details when preparing the Purchase Order. This issue can be rectified easily by following the steps below.

Note: Only the requester is able to update contact details

To access the function, click on Deals and then click Purchase Order, Goods Receipt & Invoice 

At Purchase Order ,Goods Receipt & Invoice, select the PO number you wish to update the contact details. There will be 3 dots beside the PO number, click on the 3 dots.

Once you have clicked on the 3 dots, there will be a list of drop down options to choose from. Click on Update Contact.

You will be able to update the correct contact details and click save to finish the process. If you need to update an existing invoice, ensure that the Resend all existing call for invoice GRs box is checked as well so that the vendor will receive and updated email notification to submit the invoice.