TenderBoard has introduced a new Department functionality that allows users and Purchase Requests to be tagged to more than one department. This allows you to do two things:

  1. Assign Budgets and Contracts to users based on their Department automatically
  2. Allow viewing and routing of Purchase Requests based on Department

Managing your departments

Departments are managed by Buyer Admins from the Departments tab in the User Management page. You may add and remove departments on this page.

When creating a new user, you may now select from the departments that have been created in the system. You may now assign a user to multiple departments as well, which will give them the rights assigned to both departments. Note that the first department assigned to the user will be their default department.

Assigning Contracts and Budgets

You may now assign budgets and contracts by department as well. Any new user added to the department will automatically be granted access.



Viewing and Routing Purchase Requests

For users with more than one department, you will now be asked to select which department the purchase is for when creating a new purchase. If only one department is assigned, this will be selected by default.

This selection will tag the Purchase Request to this department. Tagging a Purchase Request to the department will have two features. Firstly, in the Viewing Permissions page, you will now be able to let a user view all Purchase Requests tagged to a particular department. Note that the 'User' setting is tagged to the User, while the Department setting is tagged to the Purchase Request (not the User's department)

Selecting the Department will also allow you to route the purchase to placeholders that are set based on the Department.