If you would not be around for a period of time, you are able to set a covering officer for your tasks directly.

1. Click on your avatar icon on the top right of the screen

2. And Click “My Account” to enter your user account administrative area

3. Then click on the “Covering” tab. You will be able to select the covering officer and define the covering period. 

4. At this step, you can also edit or delete a covering officer record if you need to. Click "Add" to add a new Covering Task

5.  You will see the "Current Tasks" and "Expected Upcoming Tasks" to be covered, and then click "Next"

6. You need to select the Covering Officer, Period of the Covering Time, and a Note, then click "Create", then you will find the covering task that you have set up.

Note: The covering function is only available for buyer accounts.