When you receive clarifications on your purchase request, you can answer them following this method:

1. Ensure you are on page My Buylist

Ensure you are on page My Buylist

2. Refer to the deal with a yellow exclamation icon > click on the hamburger button

Refer to the deal with a yellow exclamation icon > click on the hamburger button

3. Click on Answer

Click on Answer

4. Reply accordingly

Reply accordingly

5. Click on POST

Click on POST

6. You will be brought to a new page > Communications Management

You will be brought to a new page > Communications Management

7. Click on the hamburger button

Click on the hamburger button

8. Click on Thread if you wish to read the thread communication

Click on Thread if you wish to read the thread communication

9. A new window will pop up showing the thread conversation

A new window will pop up showing the thread conversation

If the above does not help to solve your issue, you may also contact our Customer Support team at [email protected].