This functionality must be activated for your organisation by TenderBoard, and requires the appointment of one or more Master Admins, who will have rights to access the ACL page.

TenderBoard has two roles for Administrators within an organisation. They are:

Buyer Admin - A Buyer Admin is assigned rights to view all Management functions by default (this can be adjusted by the ACL functionality). Additionally, Buyer Admins can always view all Purchase Requests and invoices in their organisation, and are able to appoint other Buyer Admins or sub-admins.

Sub-Admin - A Sub-admin can only be assigned rights to Management functions from the ACL functionality. Additionally, they are not given additional viewing rights, and are not able to update the details of Buyer Admins or Sub-Admins, or change the roles of Buyer Admin and Sub-admin on all users, even with access to the Management menu.

The roles can be updated on the User Management page.

Example for Buyer Admin

Example for Sub-Admin

When the Master Admin functionality enabled, the ACL tab, (for Access Control List) in the User Management page is opened up for use by the Master Admin. The Master Admin for the organisation (which is set and updated by TenderBoard) is allowed to control the access for all the other admins.

Check the box for that specific management menu option to allow the Admin access to that particular page.