You may manage your deals when it is open. After closing your deal, you may view all bid submission.

This article shows how you can manage your deal when it is open and closed and how to view all submitted bids.

Open Deals

1. Find the deal under My Buylist page

Find the deal under My Buylist page

2. Click on the hamburger button next to your deal

Click on the hamburger button next to your deal

3. Click on Manage Deal

Click on Manage Deal

4. When your deal is open, you are able to see these functions

When your deal is open, you are able to see these functions

5. This highlights the details of your purchase request

This highlights the details of your purchase request

6. This section allows you to take the necessary actions

This section allows you to take the necessary actions

7. This section lists the number of views and bids by suppliers you have invited

This section lists the number of views and bids by suppliers you invited

Closed Deals

8. When your deal is closed, you are able to see these functions

When your deal is closed, you are able to see these functions

9. You may find an additional section Proposal Received

There will be an additional section Proposal Received

10. This section lists the suppliers who have submitted their bids

This section lists the suppliers who have submitted their bids

11. Click on the hamburger button

Click on the hamburger button

12. Click on View Proposal

Click on View Proposal

13. Under Vendor's Proposal, you are able to view all details, including the quotation

Under Vendor's Proposal, you are able to view all details, including the quotation

14. Click on DOWNLOAD to download the quotation and details of the company

Click on DOWNLOAD to download the quotation and details of the company

15. Select which documents to download

Select which documents to download

16. Click on RESUBMIT to ask supplier to resend their quote

Click on RESUBMIT to ask supplier to resend their quote

17. A new window will appear on which you can write your instructions to the supplier

A new window will appear on which you can write your instructions to the supplier

If the above does not help to solve your issue, you may also contact our Customer Support team at [email protected].