(For Finance) After the invoice/claim has been approved, you may follow these steps to pay the invoice submitted by the staff.

1. Click on DEALS

Click on DEALS

2. Click on Purchase Order, Goods Receipt & Invoice

Click on Purchase Order, Goods Receipt & Invoice

3. Click on INVOICES tab

Click on INVOICES tab

4. Click on View to preview the direct invoice to be paid

Click on View to preview your invoice

5. You will be brought to a new page View Invoice

You will be brought to a new page View Invoice

6. Click on DOWNLOAD to download the invoice

Click on DOWNLOAD to download the invoice

7. Click on the hamburger button

Click on the hamburger button

8. Click on Update Paid Status

Click on Update Paid Status

9. Select Paid

Select Paid

10. Leave a comment if necessary

Leave a comment if necessary

11. Click on CONFIRM

Click on CONFIRM

12. Status of invoice will be changed to Paid

Status of invoice will be changed to Paid

If the above does not help to solve your issue, you may also contact our Customer Support team at support@tenderboard.biz.