System Updates
Assign users during the initial budget upload
We've introduced an additional column in the budget import template to assign viewers during the initial budget upload.
Supplier Form and Contract Permission
Previously, permissions for supplier forms and contracts had to be manually assigned after the user is created. Now, admins can assign permissions to all users.
Move Fields in Form Designer
Users can now move fields in Form Designer by dragging and dropping them, instead of the “Move up / Move down” function.
Enable/Disable button for 'Add allowance' and 'Add other changes'
Users can enable/disable "Add Allowance" & "Add Other Charge" options in Direct Invoices under “Organisation settings”.
The “Marketplace” button can be enabled/disabled for individual workflows
Users can allow the “Marketplace” button only for Punch-out non-sourcing workflows, while the button will not be visible for all other non-sourcing workflows.
Email notification reminder for evaluation after tender closes
The system can be set to send an email notification to the requester if the deal has not been evaluated for too long.
Purchase Request closing date to compare to Site Showround Date
TenderBoard will not let PR Form proceed if Site Showround Date and Closing Date of RFQ does not meet minimum working dates condition.
E.g. if the minimum is 5 working days, the user won’t be able to proceed if the Showround date is on 2 Aug 2023, and the Closing date is between 2 Aug to 9 Aug 2023 (because of the weekend).
Letter of Approval
Users are now able to download LOAs and their accompanying attachments from “Manage Deal”, where each LOA and the files attached are placed in individual folders.
Delete Supplier Invitation
Users are now able to delete a supplier invitation, even if the RFQ email had been sent out.
Evaluation Forms has no longer required fields
Evaluation forms with a proposed line item of 0 quantity no longer has required fields.
New Supplier Status on The Proposal Submission Page
A new supplier status on the proposal submission page has been added - “Closed”- defined as “Buyer did not award this deal through TenderBoard”. This is a new organisation setting on the Award Notification page, where the status will show as long as it is set to “Do not publish”.
Able to download vendor files and invoice files into separate folders
Previously vendor files and invoices were downloaded into a single file. Now, users can download vendor files and invoice files into separate folders.
Create New Contracts from File Fields
Now, Contracts is able to pull file fields with image files created in Item Management into the contract when the item is selected.
Filtering Function
The filtering functionality allows you to select Purchase Request fields, and filter down the values available in other, related purchase fields.
Fix a Value at TenderBoard
You can now fix a value for Let TenderBoard do the Work when creating a Purchase Request.
Integration System Updates
Deal Report Test
Numbers in reports are now converted to raw values (e.g. values will not include currency such as SGD).
Admin Function - Delete Gateway activity
Admins can now delete records from Gateway to allow PO, GR or Invoice to be re-sent.
File-based Export
Users now have the capability to export vendor information as a file-based export for easier download or data transfer.
Single Record from Outstanding page
Users are now able to export a single record from the Outstanding page, where the data exported is then moved automatically to the export section and all other record remains in the outstanding page.
New Field in PR Form
Choose not to send Supplier Forms when raising Purchase Requests. A new field is added in the PR form, where users can select “Yes” or “No” to triggering supplier forms.
Viewing Tasks of other entities from the Dropdown Menu
Users can now conveniently view tasks from other entities within their Dropdown menu.
Pull a record with 1000+ vendors
Users can pull a record with more than 1000 vendors when they click “sync with gateway”.
UI Updates
GR and Invoice has been moved
Instructions for the Approval Pages of Evaluation, GR and Invoice has been moved to the top of page (under Approval Chain).
Delivery Location
Delivery Location can be hidden or shown in PO. If Delivery location is blank, the “Delivery Location” column will be automatically hidden.
Scroll Line Items Horizontally
Users are now able to scroll Line Items horizontally on Create a Purchase Request page, Goods Receipt form and Submit Invoice form.
Bug Fixes
Technical Users unable to view pricing details
Technical users added to the PR will not be able to view pricing details on the Evaluation Module.
For any questions, reach out to us at