When a transaction (PR, Invoice or Supplier Form) is created in TenderBoard, the transaction is saved with the current version of form and the current approval workflow. Changes made to the form settings or approval workflow settings after the transaction has been created are not automatically applied to the form. This is to prevent unintended changes that might occur while the transaction is underway
Deleting an approval workflow step for an existing transaction might cause the existing transaction to skip a required workflow step, thus updating the workflow must be done carefully.
TenderBoard has introduced a new function to allow Buyer Admins to update forms and workflows to the latest version. To activate this, your organisation must be using the Master Buyer Admin functionality. You will then be able to grant the rights to the required Buyer Admin on the ACL page, by giving them the rights to 'Reload Workflow/Form'.
This will provide a new option for the assigned Buyer Admin to update forms and workflows.
This option can be found on:
- Approval Workflow page, for Purchase Requests
- View Purchase Order page for PO and GR
- View Invoice page for Direct Invoice
- View Supplier Form page for Supplier Forms
Updating Forms (only available for Purchase Requests)
When updating forms, click on the Update Form button. The system will show a dialogue to indicate that there is a later version of the form to load:
The revision ID is tracked internally by TenderBoard, but you can only update to the latest version of the form. This will ensure that any new options that you may have added in Form Designer will be added to your transaction.
Note that if you have added new fields to the form, they will not automatically show up unless you also load the Approval Workflow and have the field visible at that step.
Updating Workflows
To update the workflow, click on the 'Load Latest Chain' button. Doing so will load the latest version of the approval workflow, and also show you the difference between the current and the new workflow. Steps can both be taken away and added, or approvers can be changed, but only steps that have not already been processed will be updated.
Note that Read/Write settings for each step will also be updated, even if the approver remains the same.